• Evangelism and spreading the message of the CCC
• Distributing print Bibles for free to those in need in countries throughout the world
• Distributing free Christian literature and gospel tracts to the poor, prisoners, and unevangelized
• Constructing clean, long-lasting water wells throughout the developing world
• Basic organizational operating costs
• Subsidiary ministry operating costs
If you have a heart for God's Kingdom and have been looking for an organization that can use your donation to make the biggest impact for the gospel without compromising biblical truth, there is no better choice than the CCC. Click the button below to be redirected to our SSL-secured giving page.
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The CCC is a 100% non-profit organization, but your gift is not deductible for tax purposes. Per the bylaws, the CCC cannot register as a 501(c)(3) because we believe such registration would compromise our biblical convictions. If you have any questions about this, or would prefer to give to the CCC in some other way, please email